Sunday, February 25, 2024 – The “Surprise???” Birthday of Edgardo Rivera at Parque del Norte Hatillo…

Edgardo Rivera‘s birthday has arrived. One of the most recognized and colorful Paramotor pilots on the island. His wife Wilnelia, along with several pilots and friends from Team Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico decided to give him a surprise birthday. The agreed upon location was Parque del Norte Hatillo.

It was supposed to be a “surprise” birthday, but… having Ariel Rodríguez and David Silva calling Edgardo Rivera during the week, to make a Cross flight from Dorado to Hatillo, raised flags easily and Edgardo quickly deduced that it was a trick… is that, having two pilots who almost never fly suddenly invite Edgardo to do a Cross flight, smells like a trick from afar… that’s like telling him that Carlos Robles is going to fly with him, that day… (Excuse the inside joke ).

Video by Edgardo, Alex Disla and David Silva looking to Take Off at cero winds conditions…

Thus, many pilots from all over the island came to the Parque del Norte to share with Edgardo…, and Edgardo? Well, he complied and arrived to the Dorado Beach. There, the pilots Alex Disla, David Silva and Ariel Rodríguez accompanied him to perform the crossing fly. The weather was too bad to fly with winds entering from South and turbulent. But they were there with the commitment of the flight, and Alex Disla, Edgardo, and some minutes later David Silva, handled to Take Off… Their flights were full of turbulent, but they managed to arrive to Parque del Norte, Congratulations!!!

Kamikaze Pilots and Family Present in the activity…

Luis Ruiz and his son Noah Enrique
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Alberto Sabah and his wife Mercedes
Wilkins Torres, his wife Brenda and son Wilkins Jr.
Ariel Rodríguez and his wife Wanda
Hermes Ferrer, his wife Neisha and daughter Katelyn
Hermes Ferrer Sr and his wife Awilda
Dan Whitney, his wife and family
Armindo Gonzalez and his family (Possible Student)
Sam Travis and his girlfriend Michelle
Efrain Guzmán, his wife and son Efrain Orlando
Noel Vale and his wife Tata
Albert Cardona and his girlfriend Karol
The brothers Jesús and Jafet Rivera
David Laboy (recording the actions with his drones)
Pedro Agostini
Sammy Badillo
Miguel Orona
Ray Malave and his dog Genesis
Vitaly Kudrin
Jose Luis Hernandez
Alex Disla
David Silva
John Baez

The activities…

The morning, starting the activity!!!
The arrival of Alex Disla from Dorado!!!
The arrival of Edgardo Rivera from Dorado!!!
Edgardo’s Reaction when arrival from Dorado…
The arrival of David Silva from Dorado. A LOT of turbulence in the Area…
David Silva Reaction and Ariel arriving with Wanda…

The weather was bad to be able to enjoy a good day of flights. The wind came in strong and from the SSE, causing flights in the area to be carried out in turbulence. Even so, many of the pilots present took the opportunity to make some flights, and at the same time the students of the school also practiced paragliding on the ground.

David Laboy did an incredible job, taking videos of the activities through his Drones and many of which we share below. Thanks David, much appreciated!!! Was a great day, sharing great times with Edgardo and the Kamikazes Family. Thanks to all of the people that brings food, cook, and was pending that everyone present had a great Time. God Bless!!!

The BIRD of Pedro…!!!
Fio… !!!! Everybody is looking for Fio !!!
David Silva gives Edgardo a present, and also, a gift for Fio!!!
David Laboy getting warm with his Drones…
David Laboy following Edgardo in a funny Video…
Students of Team Kamikazes School in Training + Edgardo playing at the side with his RPM2 15-meters.
David Laboy following Luis Ruiz in the Sky Zorro and then the Students in Training.
David Laboy, with a Lot of Videos of the Activity. Thanks!!!
The Food and the Chefs…
Happy Birthday Edgardo. God Bless!!!


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