Thursday, August 02, 2018

We meet in the afternoon at Rancho Grande de Anasco, hoping to repeat our similar practices 
last Tuesday. Saying present were Luis Ruiz, Nixon Porrata, Esteban Torres, Danis Rodriguez 
and his nephew Kelvin.

Unfortunately, this time the weather conditions had changed. Jason took what was left of the 
winds from the West to practice inflated, but this lasted for half a hour


, after this, a huge downpour fell from which we had to take shelter. When the weather 
cleared, the wind came from the East, which made it difficult to practice and fly. Even so, 
Nixon managed to take off on two occasions with difficulty and go flying around while Danis 
and Esteban practiced inflations assisted by Luis. So we stayed until 5:30 PM, time to pick 
us up.


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