Sunday, February 11, 2024 – A Team “K” visit to Posa del Obispo ARECIBO, without much planning…

Without planning, and with strong winds for the entire island, several members of the Team Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico family met at the Posa del Obispo in Arecibo. There, Edgardo Rivera had announced, early in the morning, that he was going to fly and was accompanied by Pedro Agostini and David Laboy with his drones.

Luis Ruiz and Ricky Gonzalez evaluating the conditions…

Little by little were arriving other Kamikazes members from the island. Luis Ruiz, Ricardo González and his wife Ermelinda, Wilkins Torres, his wife Brenda and son Wilkins Jr, and without realizing it, we already had a Full House in the place.

Without much planning…
Edgardo telling a story of the cloth that he is using, jaja

Who is going to Fly?…

Not only that, but Edgardo decided to go flying in wind conditions that exceeded 23 mph+, and not once, but twice. He was assisted by the pilots on site and David Laboy was following and recording it with his drones.

Great Video of Edgardo flying in windy conditions at Arecibo.
The view from the Drone of David Laboy…

For a day that did not promise, we met and spent a pleasant time as a family on the beach in Arecibo. As always, thanking God for everything.


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