Luis Ruiz and Team Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico once again visited the area of flying at Villa Pesquera Isabela. On this occasion we had the presence of the possible new students of the Team, Raúl Rivera, his brother Edwin, and José Rolón. Also were present in the activity, the pilot Sammy Badillo, and the students Efrain Guzman and his son Efrain Enrique.
They new students had come to live their flight experiences with Luis Ruiz, but unfortunately the wind conditions were very strong. Luis Ruiz, handle first to fly alone, with his sports paraglider, Sky Zorro, and then he managed to go out and fly in Tandem with José Rolón. the fly was safe and enjoyable, but that was it. We finished the flying activities after that. Always safety first, and the wind is getting too strong for enjoyment…
Sammy Badillo was assisting Luis on the flights, but decided not to fly under those conditions. Efrain and his son Enrique, handle to practice kiting with the training paragliders on this conditions. We finished the activity putting Paramotors on the back of the prospective students. And they felt the power behind our Paramotors!!!
Stay Tuned for the progress in next days of the new students. God Bless!!!