A very active week for Luis Ruiz and Team Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico. Every day of the week we had some activity. Whether we were giving introductory flights to the sport to new people or giving training to students. In the case of Thursday, we went on an adventure at different places. Here the story in detail…
Monday, October 21, 2024… Isabela.
We visited Villa Pesquera Isabela in the afternoon, with the idea of continue the training of the student Sherly Hernández. But we had heavy rains throughout the island and Isabela causing us to postpone the activity.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 – Isabela…
Luis Ruiz was again in Villa Pesquera Isabela in the morning. The idea was to test and adjust some of his Paramotors. Just when he was ready to take off appear, Danny from San Sebastian, he arrived with his daughter Nathalie and her friend Samantha who lives in Minnesota, USA. They and are on vacation. Both girls wanted to live their flying experiences, and Luis Ruiz stopped his tests schedules and coordinated the realization of both flights. Here is a short video of their experiences while flying…

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 – Isabela…
Once again Luis Ruiz returned to Villa Pesquera Isabela. This time he had previously agreed on the flight of Myrnalis Figueroa, who arrived from the town of Juana Diaz. The weather was excellent and we are not in a hurry, so, Myrnalis took a long fly with Luis that included a visit to Jobos Beach and the Royal Isabela golf course.

Thursday, October 24, 2024 – La Guancha Ponce, Guayanilla and Guanica…
On this occasion, Luis Ruiz decided to go on an single adventure. He traveled early to La Guancha in Ponce. Once he arrives, made a short flight along the entire coast and made a “Live” video of his experience.

Plan “B” Guayanilla, But unexpected situation…
Then, he decided to continue the adventure and decided to stop at the town of Guayanilla, looking for a place to fly. According to the GPS, the best area was “Punta Ventana” Beach. It has possibilities and Luis had never flown in that area. As he approached the place, at about a mile and a half from the place he found a fence in the road. It was obstructed. There was NO car access. (LEGAL? I DON’T KNOW…) The security guard at the scene indicated Luis that from there, he could only proceed on foot or by bicycle along a stretch that was next to the road. But the walking distance was a mile and a half, and Luis need to do the walk with equipment, so the plans were aborted…

Plan “C”, Guanica – Tourist Mode…
Instead, Luis decided to visit Tamarindo Beach area in Guanica. In order to arrive to the place, Luis had to leave Guayanilla and go along PR2 road to Guanica passing by the side of the Guanica Dry Forest. The route was unexpected beautiful and well maintained. Luis dedicated himself to getting to know the area a little better and enjoying its beauty. The option to fly was active, but he decided not to do it due to the loneliness of the place and the fact that the wind was not blowing in the right direction in order to have a pleasant flight. Luis puts this place in agenda for a future visit…

Friday, October 25, 2024… – Isabela.
Again in Isabela. This time we had pending to realize the introduction flights to the sport for Stephanie Serrano and Anthony Escalera, who were traveling from the towns of San Lorenzo and Rio Grande to live their flight experiences. Luis managed to do both flights with excellence weather conditions.
Some minutes later, a guy named, Christopher, arrived with his family from Aguada. He also joined the flight adventure.

Then, in the afternoon, we will work in the maintenance of equipment and get them ready for the weekend that awaits us… God Bless!!!