Saturday, November 09, 2024 – The Pilot Fio Lopez handle to control a difficult Landing & More…

After the general elections and everything that it implies, and after several adverse days due to weather, we finally had a great day of flights…

Starting the morning…

We meet early at Villa Pesquera Isabela. This time present were the pilots Fio López, Sammy Badillo, Miguel Orona along with Instructor Luis Ruiz accompanied by his son Noah Enrique. Also, Alexis Feliciano, from Trujillo Alto, arrived to begin his training.

The activities in the morning…

Living the Flight Experience…

Arriving to live her flight experience from Aguadilla, were Noryelis Medina, along with her parents. She was celebrating her birthday and made in a unique and different way, FLYING!!!. Here we leave a video prepared by Noryelis as well as one that we always work on…

A great video by Noryelis that covers the essence of the Fly. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!!

The pilots and their adventures…

Sammy, Fio and Miguel were flying in the day. It’s always nice to see the student Miguel in the air. It’s already on his 5th flight and counting… Congratulations!!!

In the meantime, Sammy, was practicing his takeoffs, landings and Touch & Go. While Fio was also practicing his skills, with some turns and landings.

Not everything was “Peaches & Cream”…

It turns out that while Fio López was doing some of his flying training, he put away his camera, and the pole of the camera gets loose and fell directly into his propeller, breaking it. This caused a loss of power and Fio had to improvise his landing at low altitude flying downwind and between puddles of water. He is going Down… OMG…

Despite that, he managed to make an excellent landing, but with consequences … Here we leave some videos prepared by Fio about his experienced. Eventually, Sammy and Miguel came to his rescue, and everything was fine, thank God.

Fio Lopez narrating to our camera the adventure…
Fio Lopez, The Video at his style. A Must See!!! Amazing!!!

New student of the Team…

Alexis Feliciano arrived from Trujillo Alto to start his training. He had recently taken an Introduction to the Sport with Luis, and there he was, now determined to become a Paramotor pilot.

Luis Ruiz started the Training giving Alexis the theoretical introduction to the sport, and step by step they arrived at inflation practices in the area. And for Luis‘ surprise, Alexis turned out to have a lot of skill in the sport, managing the Reverse and Front inflation of the Paraglider in a single day. This skills takes to the average student from 3 to 4 days of hard training to master. But Alexis was doing both on the first day. Impressive…, we will keep you informed of its progress.

Alexis showing skills in the Reverse Paragliding Inflation…

Extra Video!!!

Cleaning process in the night. By Fio Lopez!!!


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