Weekend, August 12 – 13, 2023 – From Lajas to Loiza in a improbable Weather…

Saturday, August 12, 202 (Lajas Valley) – Edgardo flying with his son Joel…

Not everyday you have the opportunity to be a pilot, and even more so when you already have the knowledge and skills to take your son to fly with you. To show him the passions that move us…

This was the case today, where on a visit to the Lajas Valley, Edgardo Rivera had the opportunity to fly his son Joel, who is on vacation on the island.

For this occasion, Edgardo coordinated with Luis Ruiz, (1), to be in the Lajas Valley preparing to fly at 6 AM and (2), the use of a Trike that would make things easier. For this flight, Edgardo would use a 40 meter BGD Dual Tandem paraglider.

Everything run as planned. They were early in the morning and prepared the equipment. Them, after a failed attempt, they managed to Take Off at the second chance.

Edgardo flying with his son Joel…
At the middle of the Flight…
The Landing of Edgardo and Joel. Smooth!!!

A little later, Luis Ruiz accompanied them in flight. It lasted about 45 minutes.

The Front Launch Take Off of Luis Ruiz in a beautiful Paraglider BGD Magic.
The Landing of Luis, Video by Edgardo Rivera.

Edgardo managed to achieve one of his proposed goals when he entered the sport. Congratulations!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2023 – A visit to Loiza…

With bad weather and strong winds, Luis Ruiz canceled the Team Kamikazes flight activities in Isabela. But Edgardo Rivera decided to venture a bit and decided to go to Loiza. Several pilots accompanied him, including Omar Colon, Pin Pin Castillo, Pedro Agostini and Alex Disla.

They were there basically the whole day and there were flight windows opportunities, and…, Edgardo managed to make a flight in those conditions by the Foot Launch method. This was notable since Edgardo is still recovering from surgery on one of his legs!!!

Edgardo Rivera managing to Take Off in difficult conditions.

During the day, if they were not flying, they were kiting the paragliders. Even with bad conditions. At least they had a great time for a day that didn’t promise much.

Very High Winds…


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