Holiday, and very active for our community of pilots on the island. This time taking advantage of the excellent weather conditions, we went to the Posa del Obispo in Arecibo. This beach is busy these days, because it is the midpoint between skydiving activities and the world surfing event, both in the town of Arecibo. And there we are, in the center of the action…
Pilots and Family Members of Team Kamikazes…
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Alberto Sabah
Luis Ruiz
Pedro Agostini
Ray Malave
Darwin Hernandez
Jesus Rivera
Living the Flight Experiences…
Denisse, with her family from Arecibo
Ariana, accompanied by her friend Andrea from Arecibo
Joelis from Utuado
Diana from San Antonio, TX
Elisa from Adjuntas
Complicated takeoffs in the morning…
The morning started with spectacular weather. But the wind came in gently from the NNE and the takeoffs for the pilots were complicated. This was confirmed by Edgardo, Luis, Alberto and especially Darwin who took off with a Flow RPM 17 meter paraglider.
Long Cross flight and Edgardo’s situation with his wallet falling into the sea…
Once everyone left to fly, Edgardo and Darwin flew in the direction of Barceloneta, and in Darwin’s case, he flew all the way to Mar Chiquita beach in Manatí. He thought that Edgardo had followed him there, but Edgardo had an unforeseen problem halfway there…
Once Edgardo passed the area of “La Cueva del Indio” in Arecibo, some people in the area signaled him to go for landing, and when Edgardo could see clearly, his wallet, where he has his identification and money, had fallen out, into the water in mid-flight. The people that were in “La Cueva del Indio” area had been able to pull it out of the sea and were waving to Edgardo… After some evaluation of the area, Edgardo managed to land to recover his wallet. Then, when he recover it, the take off from the place was very risky. But fortunately, Edgardo managed to do it. A story that he will surely not forget… and so that you can see that in Puerto Rico there are more the good people than bad people!!! God bless!!!
It is worth mentioning that once Darwin arrived from his long trip, he was doing acrobatics with his paraglider over the Posa del Obispo area. And in one of his turns, the Paramotor turned off and he had to land in a tailwind direction, and with the paraglider flying fast… Here we leave a video of his reaction in the landing…
Demo flights in the afternoon…
With the weather conditions improving in terms of wind intensity, Luis Ruiz and Edgardo Rivera were carrying out some Demo flights for interested people. Alberto Sabah and Pedro Agostini were assisting them in takeoffs and landings. We have made some videos of the experiences of our new friends in the area.