During the week we have had adverse weather conditions to be able to practice our sport comfortably. Lots of wind and afternoon rain have been the norm for weeks. This time we tried to do something, and this was the story of two days of training…
Wednesday, August 07, 2024…
The pilots Luis Ruiz, Sammy Badillo and Mario Muñiz, accompanied by his wife Ivonne met in Villa Pesquera Isabela. They both came to test equipment. Luis Ruiz came to test and adjust if necessary the SkyMax Star Paramotor, which the school students will be using on their first flights, coordinated for next weekend. Mario, for his part, was testing his SkyMax EOS100 Paramotor using his fast 18-meter BGD Luna 2 paraglider.
After a couple of hours of testing, the winds were already over 20 mph+ and we finished our tests.
Thursday, August 08, 2024…
Luis Ruiz arrived in Isabela, this time accompanied by students Raúl Rivera Sr and his son Raulito. There were many plans for the day, but once again the wind was stronger than expected.
We decided to practice inflating with Raúl’s new paraglider, a 23-meter BGD Luna 2. And this glider performed excellently in winds of 20 mph+. Even Luis Ruiz took the opportunity to give him a flight around the area.
Again, after a couple of hours of training, we decided to end our activities while waiting for better conditions.