An idea of visiting “El Único” Beach in Dorado began to float around the minds of some Team pilots. And this finally materialized today, when in the afternoon we decided to visit it. To our surprise, there was a good quorum of pilots. Many wanted to fly in that area, which we had not flown in for a while.
Kamikaze Pilots and Family Present…
Alberto Sabah and his wife Mercedes
Carlos Cándido Rodríguez and his wife Wilmarie
Edgardo Rivera
David Silva
Fio Lopez
Pedro Agostini
Jomar Crespo
Luis Ruiz
Not bad for a Tuesday, eight (8) pilots present and ready to fly. But… we didn’t count on the fact that the weather conditions were going to be very challenging. Even though the sky was clear, the wind intensity easily exceeded 20 mph+, (with gusts exceeding 25 mph!!!).
Given this situation, some of the pilots decided not to fly, this was the case of Fio, and Carlos Cándido, who came to visit us and share with us, along with his wife Wilmarie. It was very nice to share with them after months without meeting.
The Pilots who flew…
This was a test of skills, with high risk, for those who decided to go flying. We do NOT recommend it to any novice pilot who does not fully understand the risks they may face in these types of conditions and who do not have the correct equipment to fly these conditions.
That said, the pilots who flew were Pedro, Jomar, Edgardo, Luis, Alberto and David. All of them understanding the risks well and using the correct equipment. The paragliders that were used for these flights were Alberto Sabah (Apco F1 22 meters), Pedro Agostini (Flow RPM 17 meters), Jomar Crespo (Flow RPM2 18 meters), Luis Ruiz (Sky Zorro 22 meters), Edgardo Rivera (Flow RPM2 15 meters), David Silva (Apco Force 22 meters).
The Story in Videos!!!
Fio López dedicated himself to recording and taking videos of the adventures, and we share a compilation video that he made, that resume all the action. Again remembering that this was done by expert pilots who knew the challenges and still decided to go out and fly. We hope that our next visit to Dorado will be with better conditions…
Extra (and funny) Videos…