Wednesday, May 15, 2024 – From a Visit to Jobos Beach to Student Chino Morales making 2 flights.

Today in the afternoon some pilots met at Villa Pesquera Isabela to fly and practice. Clear skies and winds of 12 to 17 mph NE were the norm for the day. Present were the pilots Edgardo Rivera, Jomar Crespo, Chino Morales, Alberto Sabah and Luis Ruiz.

Visit to Jobos Beach, Isabela…

Luis Ruiz and Edgardo Rivera went out to fly, in the meantime, the student Chino Morales stayed practicing with his paraglider on the ground. He was assisted by Jomar. This time Luis and Edgardo had a unique plan. That is… Land close to Foso Jacinto in Jobos Beach. The weather conditions were ideal to do it. We leave here some videos that best describe the adventure of the pilots.

Starting the afternoon. A lot of Action…

Acompáñame en el último minuto de mi aterrizaje en el Foso de Jacinto, de Playa Jobos de Isabela. 15 Mayo 2024. #foryou #teamkamikazes #paramotorpuertorico #paramotor #volarpr

♬ love song (hesitations) (sped up) – Lofuu & Shiloh Dynasty & dprk
The view of my Last minute of Landing at Foso Jacinto…
Edgardo Rivera Landing at Jobos, and he slips!!!
Message to Pilot Fio Lopez…
Jobos Beach…
Jobos Beach…
Time to Leave…
Jomar Crespo is arriving but we need to leave…
Edgardo Rivera back in the air…
A Live Video from Edgardo, with the moment of the Take Off of Luis Ruiz at Foso Jacinto…
Luis Ruiz Taking Off and flying together with Jomar and Edgardo.

Chino Morales making his flights #3 and 4…

Once Chino finished practicing, it was time to try his flights. This time Chino was debuting Paramotor and Paragliding that he had recently acquired. Thanks to his great skills, and the assistance of Luis Ruiz, Edgardo Rivera and Jomar Crespo. Chino gets in the air, not just once, but twice!!! Once again we leave here some videos that best describe Chino’s adventures…

Initially, not everything runs smooth as expected…
Chino Morales Taking Off!!!
The perspective from Jomar Crespo at the Top of the cliff…
Chino is very happy after his fly experience. And that is ALL about !!!
The arrival of Alberto and Chino talking about his experiences…

Extra Video…

How to bring your paraglider to a grass place to keep it clean, no sand at all…!!!!


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