Thursday, May 16, 2024 – Back to Isabela, getting the best of great weather recently…

Another excellent day of flying, and again it was very well spent. The best conditions for flying are occurring in Villa Pesquera Isabela. This time steady winds of 10 mph NE.

Kamikaze Pilots and Family Present…

Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Jomar Crespo
Fio Lopez
Chino Morales
Luis Ruiz

The pilots and their adventures…

This time the pilots took advantage of the conditions to practice skills with their equipment. Mario, for his part, went out to fly and climbed to over 1,200 feet high, Fio López dedicated himself to practicing his Touch & Go, Jomar Crespo also flew as he pleased. Here we leave some of the videos made by the pilots.

Mario Muniz Taking Off in his Flow Cosmos Power and SkyMax EOS100 to start the activities…
Fio Lopez on the Air…
Luis Ruiz Taking Off in the Sky Zorro!!!
Jomar Crespo playing around. Video by Ivonne Valdez.
Fio Lopez making Touch & Go!!!
Fio Lopez looking for Chino Morales…
And Chino Morales appear…

Demo Flights for Introduction to Sports…

Luis Ruiz was in charge of carrying out the Demo flights of Shareem, Norm and Wayne, who were visiting us from Utah. Once again we leave here some videos of their adventures.

Luis Ruiz Taking Off with Wayne, video by Ivonne Valdez…
Shareem Chambers living the Experience!!!
Wayne’s Turn. Having a great time!!!
Norm Chambers from Utah, having a great time!!!


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