Sunday, September 30, 2019

After a busy Saturday in Isabela, this time we went from mid day to La Guancha in Ponce. The weather is simply spectacular and we have to take advantage of it. It will not always stay that way.

Arriving to the activity were, Luis Ruiz, Sao Cruz, Gregory Santiago, Randy Tirado, Billy Aviles, Dimas Ruiz with his wife Deli and children Anthony, Alanis and Arielito. In addition, a possible student named Ismael arrived from Salinas.

Both Sao, Gregory, Dimas and Luis were flying around that included flying over the Ponce Hilton and inside the city. There was much public present interested in the sport.

At one point, Luis, took his niece Alanis as a passenger, who had never flown. The flight was a challenge since there was zero wind to take off and we had to run to earn the fly. Alanis did very well and in the end she was very happy with his experience.

Later in the day, we found that Rafa Guerrero was flying in the Luquillo area and have a great time. We left from Ponce at sunset, exhausted but very happy with the flight experiences of the weekend. And surely Alanis will never forget this day 😉.

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