Saturday, October 08, 2022 – We visited Loiza and his Magic !!!

We hadn’t visited Loiza for some time. But the time came and as always there was much to tell, many good and unforgettable adventures 😍. Pilots and Kamikazes Family present… Omar Colon, his father Ignacio Colon and his girlfriend Liliam Rodríguez (visiting for the first time) and his uncle Julio “Pote” FelicianoEdgardo Rivera and his Read more about Saturday, October 08, 2022 – We visited Loiza and his Magic !!![…]

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Epic day of flights and great sharing…. This time we went to Loiza betting on excellent flight conditions and as predicted, and… Loiza is Loiza, Loiza Culture in a typical Saturday… Also, late in the afternoon some of the pilots decided to go to “El Caracol” in Dorado. There is much to tell, many photos Read more about Saturday, August 29, 2020[…]

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