Saturday, February 26, 2022 – Edgardo Rivera Birth and Special Day. Unforgettable…

And we were back at Parque del Norte in Hatillo. Clear skies were the norm in the morning and we have pending to celebrate the “surprise” Birthday to Edgardo Rivera. The pilots Darwin Hernández and David Garber began the flight actions, arriving at the area flying all the way from Isabela. As the morning progressed, Read more about Saturday, February 26, 2022 – Edgardo Rivera Birth and Special Day. Unforgettable…[…]

Weekend Birthday, January 29 and 30, 2022 – Beach Blast activity at Isabela with Celebration included.

We arrived at the birthday weekend of Instructor Luis Ruiz. An event expected by the Team Kamikazes family and as expected, it went extremely well. To that we add that the weather was very good to fly, so the formula for success was made. For this weekend, we had the visit of the international pilot, Read more about Weekend Birthday, January 29 and 30, 2022 – Beach Blast activity at Isabela with Celebration included.[…]

Weekend, December 11 – 12, 2021 – Lajas Valley Adventures and an (unexpected) Birthday Celebration!!!

Due to the strong wind conditions that prevail in the past weeks. We take these two days to fly to the Lajas Valley. When nowhere is it possible to enjoy a good flight, this valley is protected by the mountains in the center of the island and those that surround the town of Yauco. This Read more about Weekend, December 11 – 12, 2021 – Lajas Valley Adventures and an (unexpected) Birthday Celebration!!![…]

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