Even though the strong winds continue, there was a lot of action with stories that reached the point of being unforgettable 😏.
First of all, we had a great participation of pilots from Team Kamikazes and their respective families. Despite the wind, we were pretty active for most of the day.
Pilots and family present in the activity…
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
David Garber and his wife Amara
Hermes Ferrer, his wife Neisha and children Jan and Katelyn
Mario Muñiz, his wife Ivonne, their son Jordan, and grandson Betuel and friend Oliver
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Keith Gould and his girlfriend Kathy
Ben Doyle and his wife Andrea
Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica, and children Ian Darrell (with his girlfriend Paola) and Noah Enrique
Noel Vale and his wife Tata
Jomar Crespo
Sammy Badillo
Alberto Sabah
Paul Whitmore (his return to PR after just over 4 years of absence)
Living the Experience…
Earlier in the day, Luis Ruiz, Ian Darrell and David Garber were very active doing some Demo flights to people who came to Live their Flight Experiences. This was the case of Pat Holt, who at 81 years of age wanted to live his experience. The age is not an impediment to continue living life!!!. Blessings 💪!!!
Also arriving were Edwin López, his wife Leslie and their son Leswin (Humacao), Edilberto Colon and his wife Betzaida (Morovis), Krisia and Ana (Carolina), Reeland and Coralis (Texas, USA). All of them enjoying their experiences to the fullest 💪.
Mario’s Birthday…
The girls from Team Kamikazes, with Ivonne‘s idea, prepared a surprise birthday for his husband Mario Muñiz. He did not see it coming, or at least we thought so 😎. And between a great sharing and many flights, we celebrate his birthday. Blessings and may there be many more 🙏!!!
Pilots and Adventures…
Today, after more than 4 years of absence, we had Paul Whitmore back on the island. He had to perform professional services in other countries and is finally back on the island and flying. It was very pleasant to share with him again.
Another who got to fly was Alberto Sabah, who spent several months recovering from a foot injury (which had nothing to do with the sport). And today he was back, flying and sharing with everyone 💪.
Sammy and Edgardo, for their part, flew as they pleased, and sometimes in winds of over 20 mph. And due to their achievements in recent days, both have raised their pilot level to 5 stars!!!!, which makes them Ambassadors of the sport. Congratulations to both 💪!!! These were accompanied in the air by Paul, and local pilot Ben Doyle, who is slowly returning to the sport. His takeoff and landing were excellent. In the case of Edgardo, he added a Puerto Rican Flag to his Paraglider and was called the attention to everyone while he was flying. Check this Video…
Among the students/pilots, Mario and Keith took advantage of the morning to polish their paragliding skills. In Keith’s case, we see him ready for his first solo flight. We are waiting for better weather conditions to put it to flight 🙂.
Little Noah, and his friends Betuel and Oliver, the future generation of pilots also took time, between their games, to practice with the paragliders. At one point they were even joined by Jordan, Betuel’s father, who little by little joins the practices to eventually become a pilot.
We end by narrating a feat performed by Instructor David Garber, which until recently seemed impossible to accomplish. Within his practices with the rope “Towing” method he put students and pilots of the school to fly without the necessity of a Paramotor. This opportunity was very well used by Mario, Keith and Ian during the day. This time, they put him on it, along with a personal “Free Fly” paraglider, and it gradually approached the Cliff, where it disconnected and stayed flying on the Cliff for almost an hour before landing again 😉.
👉David giving a Towing Fly to Ian Darrell who is flying a Apco F1 Paraglider.👈
👉David already doing Free Fly at the Cliff in Isabela.👈
Whenever the Farallón was flown, it was from the top of it. But never from our meeting area and less with easterly winds. But David did it and this opens the doors for many future flights by this means, to pilots who seek to Free Flight in the area 💪.
We left after dark, exhausted, but happy from so many adventures. Tomorrow with God favor we return!!!.