Thursday, January 10, 2019

There was excellent weather for the whole island. Some pilots, took out their time to go flying in their respective areas. Carlos Candido Rodríguez and his son CC Jr. arrived early in the morning to ​​Santa Isabel in the south part of the island. The idea is that both fly out from Santa Isabel and make a “cross” flight to Guayama or Coamo. The plan gets complicated since CC Jr. forgive the Karabiners of his paramotor.  His father had to lend his own so that CC Jr. could fly. Then, it was Carlos Candido’s turn to just take videos and photos of the CC Jr. flight.

In Barceloneta, Eduardo Pabon took advantage of the low intensity winds to go flying over the Outlets and the PR22 Highway. Eduardo took advantage of these conditions to launch from the area known as “La Tosca” next to the athletic track of the municipality.

Meanwhile, Luis Ruiz attended Villa Pesquera of Isabela in the afternoon. There, Luis met with Spencer and his family. They are from Utah, and have a residence on the island. Luis quickly prepared the equipment and flew two of Spencer’s children and his wife before the weather gets damaged by the rains. The three passengers were very excited about their experiences. One of the children commented that it was his best experience to date 💪🏾💪🏾. And this is the idea, Show to the world our possibilities.

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