
Thursday, September 16, 2021 – Starting Training Ramon Aviles.

Training day for the students of the school of Team Kamikazes. This time we went to the heavenly Villa Pesquera Isabela. The Team Kamikazes pilots, Alberto Sabah, Edgardo Rivera and Instructor Luis Ruiz were present there. Today was the beginning of training of new student, Ramón Avilés, who resides in the town of Aguadilla. He

Thursday, September 16, 2021 – Starting Training Ramon Aviles. Read More »

Thursday, September 09, 2021 – Paramotor Trip to Vieques… (after 11 years)!!!

Honor to whom Honor deserves… In March 25, 2021, four (4) Paramotor Pilots flying made a Journey, never before carried out in the history of Paramotoring in Puerto Rico. We refer to Dave Hargett, David Garber, Samuel Travis and Adam Travis. All of them flew all the way from “Machos” Beach in Ceiba to the

Thursday, September 09, 2021 – Paramotor Trip to Vieques… (after 11 years)!!! Read More »

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