On July 4, 2019, Luis Ruiz set out to do something special.
He express..
“Taking advantage of my paramotor, I would fly the Isabela coast for its beautiful places such as Villas del Mar Hau, Jobos and the majestic Shaks Beach and its spectacular reef in Villa Montaña. All full of people and beautiful weather, both to fly and to enjoy the outdoors.
For these flights, I decided to take off from the “Posa de Teodoro”, I was alone, but I had my reliable SkyMax Moster paramotor and the excellent paraglider BGD Luna. Once in flight, I set out to land in Jobos, right next to the “Posa de Jacinto” and not only record from above, but from the place of action, the center of everything … Jobos beach 💪💪 …
Later, when I leave from Isabela, I was thinking, why not do the same in my hometown, Aguada? And I did it … although it was a bit more complicated …
Better watch the video. It is entertaining and it was done with a lot of passion, I hope you like it”.