As has been the trend in the past few days. Wind and more wind is what has been recorded throughout the island. This is the product of the remnants of some winter storms that are affecting the USA. When they reach the island, the conditions become very windy 🧐.
Today, instructors Luis Ruiz and David Garber along with his wife Amara, as well as Darwin Hernández, arrived very early in Villa Pesquera de Isabela. There were several people cited so that they could enjoy their experiences in the Paramotor. The first idea when we arrive was to cancel the activity…
But, once some active clouds moved away from the area, conditions began to stabilize and the possibility of flights improved. Luis and David, with the assistance of Amara, began to prepare the equipment and the flights finally took place in much better conditions than expected 💪.
Rafael Abimilex had arrived with his wife Gia from Bayamon. Also Joseph Begonia and his girlfriend from Barceloneta. Both Joseph and Gia were flying with David having a great time.
Alberto Rafols, a native of Isabela, made a flight with Luis. He is seriously considering starting his training as early as the summer. We’ll see if the plans materialized…
In the afternoon with winds from 15 to 20 mph, Darwin Hernández went with David to the area known as “El Pastillo” in Isabela. From there, and using a previously adjusted rope, they went out to fly without a Paramotor, using the “Towing” method. They took advantage of the Royal Isabela hill and were flying for more than two hours each in free flight mode. The air currents that hit the hill are a big success for hold the pilots for hours close to the hill.
This “discovery” opens endless possibilities for Free Flight practices. We will continue to inform you as soon as these types of flights continue. Stay Tuned…🙂