Sunday, November 04, 2018

Windy and rainy weekend for the whole island, but mostly for the Central and Eastern zone of the Island where there were even floods for many places. Due to this, the traditional activity on weekend from the Kamikazes Team was canceled.
But this does not mean that we have not flown …, Berto Garcia was getting up very early these days to take a flight through his town of Anasco, he did it on Friday and Saturday.

👉👉Berto Garcia flying over Mayaguez👈👈

While Luis Ruiz, on Sunday, went very early to the Town of Boquerón in Cabo Rojo. Specifically to the land of “Freddy Rental”, and in zero wind conditions.  He went flying for more than an hour in the surroundings that included the town of Lajas and the sector of ” La Parguera “. When was time to get back to Cabo Rojo, took advantage of excellent conditions to make videos of Boquerón and the Marina Beach locates in the place. Already at about 9 AM he was going back to his house, sawing the news of the floods on the other side of the island.


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