Thursday, November 29, 2018

The excellent climate continues and we continue to take advantage of it, this time the route took us to places we had not flown before. Omar Román and Luis Ruiz met at noon at the place known as “El Caracol” at the intersection of Dorado en route to Levittown. There we had to take off and fly all around.

Upon arriving, we realized that not everything was perfect for our adventure. The wind came from the North and the takeoff race would have to be towards the sea and there was little running area in the place. The first to leave was Omar, and as expected, he had trouble launching. After several attempts, he managed to get out. A little later Luis join him in the air.

The flight route was initially going East, towards the Cabra’s Island. From there you could see the area of ​​the Morro Castle, the look was impressive. Once back, we passed “El Caracol” and went flying west towards the La Plata River. After that, were the hotel complexes of Dorado, which we flew arriving to the borders of Vega Alta Town. This flight was excellent, but delicate, because the whole area has very few landing areas in case of an emergency. By 2 PM, both pilots had landed.

After that, we decided to go to “Ocean Park” in Condado, specifically to the area known as Punta Las Marías, a few years ago we had flown there, but this time we found that the sea has swallowed all the sand in the sector, what remains from the beach is very little. We decided to finish for the day, but it was a rewarding and different experience to fly the whole area from Levittown to Dorado.

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