Saturday, December 01, 2018

Today was an eventful day, and we had to use options A, B and C to be able to fly. It turns out that the day’s plans were to meet in “Parque del Norte” of Hatillo.  But the plans had to change because the municipality of Hatillo had a big activity in the area and the space that we traditionally used was occupied. In addition to this, the intensity of winds at 8 AM was considerably strong. There was a change of plans, and Luis notified Team Kamikazes that they would move to Villa Pesquera de Isabela. Luis arrived there but decide to cancel the activity. The winds continued to increase in intensity to gust measured at 24 mph!…

At noon, Luis talked with the Kamikaze pilots Chey Sánchez and Berto García, to see the possibility of meeting at Rancho Grande of Anasco. We know from previous experiences that when you had hard weather anywhere, there is always a opportunity in Anasco. And again we were right. It turns out that we arrived at the site and the conditions were suitable for flying. The intensity of winds entering from WSW were about at 10 mph in intensity. Chey and Luis went flying all the way to the area known as “El Pulguero” of Mayaguez. Berto accompanied them a little later. We were there until 4 PM. A reunion of a School Class of 1975 celebrate their meeting in Rancho Grande. Some of them (Jorge Gorbea) take photos and videos of our activities.

At Pozuelo in Guayama, the Kamikazes Pilots Carlos Candido Rodriguez and his son CC Jr. gets a window of flying in the afternoon. The winds, that normally there are very strong, gets down in intensity. That means that they quickly prepared their paramotors and take an afternoon fly in that beautiful area.

We notified the Kamikazes Team that tomorrow we will return to the area since it is expected that the conditions are propitious to continue flying those shorelines.

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