Friday, January 04, 2019

Today Luis Ruiz went with Patrick Wendt to the north area, specifically to Villa Pesquera of Isabela. The idea was to practice and fly if, indeed, the winds had decreased in intensity. When we arrived at about 7:30 AM we found suitable conditions to practice. So, we took advantage of with Patrick so that he could continue polishing his skills. He had indicated that he was not comfortable with the “Reverse Launch” method. So better keep practicing.

While this was happening, Luis took a flight around and at the same time discovered that at the moment it was not good for Patrick to go flying. So, we focused on his practices. Even the paraglider of Patrick’s practice was changed, from an Apco Thrust to the BGD Luna of Luis. So, he could check the different behaviors of the paragliders depending on the model and size.

At about 10 AM the wind increased in intensity and we decided to stop the practices. Them, we decided to go for a tour of the area, which included a visit to the famous beach of Jobos and the Fosa of Jacinto. Today is the last day of Patrick’s training, but the idea of ​​Patrick returning soon to reinforce his practices is being evaluated 💪💪. Possibly for the months of April or May. Stay Tuned…

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