Sunday, April 07, 2019

We went to the East area, where we did not attend for a while. Specifically to the Punta Santiago of Humacao Beach. The winds were strong, 15-22 mph NE. But this did not stop us from having a good day of great sharing and good flights around the area.

Saying present were:

Luis Ruiz
Thaddeus Gala
Omar Román
Michael Diaz and his father Papo
Carlos Candido Rodríguez
Juan Carlos Correa
David Silva
Ismael de León and his son
Reynaldo Vega

The day started with the rookie pilot Thaddeus wanting to fly, but because of the strong wind we kept him just practicing inflated with the paraglider.

But those who flew were Luis Ruiz, Michael and Ismael who flew around in comfort with their modern paragliders. All of them at the time flew over the “Monkey” Island located 1 mile away from the shore.

The crowd in Humacao was very happy to have us back in the area. For many months we did not attend. It was very nice to see the recovery that the Humacao town has had after the passage of Hurricane Maria, a year and a half ago.

There, we were sharing and planning new Team activities, of which we will keep you informed. Stay Tuned…🙂

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