Saturday, October 17, 2020

Very special day for the pilot Derick Castro who was turning 15 years old and his mother Kuki had a surprise party for him. We arrived early at the Parque del Norte Hatillo. Along with Ariel Rodríguez and his grandson Derick, there are his family. The Team Kamikazes pilots, Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie, Pin Pin Castillo, David Silva, Luis Ruiz, Eric Román, Carlos Robles and family, Noel Vale and his wife Tata and from Connecticut, Deron Freeman were also saying they were present with his wife Carla and family.

The weather was great for flying in the morning but as the afternoon progressed, it was getting windy. This posed a greater challenge for novice pilots, as it was one thing to fly in light winds and others to fly in winds above 15 mph+.

Derick showing skills!!!

Luis made demonstration flights to Jonathan and Keyshla, natives of San Lorenzo, who really enjoyed their experience. As they show in their reactions after their flights …😀

Keyshla and Jonathan enjoying the moment!

Ariel was one who surprised, achieving her flight when the wind was already strong. Derick, for his part, continues to progress by leaps and bounds, and was flying in these winds without major problems. First with Ariel’s Ozone Spyder 3 and then with Luis’ BGD Luna 22 meters. Deron, faced problems at the beginning, since in Connecticut, he is used to flying in low wind conditions and here he had to go to fly in these conditions …, after a while and some kiting practice, he finally managed to take off and kept flying for an hour and a half 💪.

Part of the activity from Deron and Derick.

As for Pin Pin and Eric Román, both were practicing hard on inflation of paragliders. And although they had their problems, both took advantage of the practice time very well (and were quite physically exploited). David joined them for a while with his old paraglider Ozone Speedster. Always David is a guy of great attentions… today he brings Donuts to all presents!

At the end of the afternoon, Noel and Carlos arrived, we had a great time and tomorrow we have to go to Isabela for those who can attend.

Finishing the activity…
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