Much to tell about our flight activity and healthy sharing in the Parque del Norte Hatillo. The weather was good enough to fly all morning, although in the afternoon the winds increased their intensity and the flight activities were less.
Saying present were the pilots and the Kamikaze family …
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Ricardo González and his wife Ermelinda
Deron Freeman and his wife Carla
Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica, and children Ian Darrell (with his girlfriend Paola) and Noah Enrique
Alberto Sabah, his wife Mercedes and family
Eric Harthman and his friend Angie
Edgardo Rivera, his wife Wilnelia and “Blue”
Sammy Badillo
Luis Ruiz was busy with some “Demo” flights that had been coordinated for the day. This is due to the fact that his son Ian Darrell, had a delay due to previously contracted commitments. Arriving to take their Demo flights were, Angélica Cartagena from Ponce, Olga, Yiashira and her daughter Yianira from Bayamon, Mariano and her daughter Andrea from Hato Rey and Frances from Ponce. All these flights were coordinated and carried out by Luis 💪.
👉A short Video of Angelica Cartagena in the air…👈
In the afternoon with the arrival of Ian Darrell, some more Demo Flights were carried out. We could tell, Amanta, Ana Yubert (70 years old 😲💪), Mercedes’ niece and finally, Wilnelia, Edgardo’s wife. Each and every one of them was fascinated by their experiences, as you could see in the Video below…👇
As for the students, Eric Harthman, was practicing and definitely he is proving to be ready for his first “solo” flight. Likewise Ricardo, who has dedicated himself to perfecting his technique and is showing great skills with paragliding. In the same way, Edgardo Rivera, in just his third class, dominated paragliding at will. Incidentally, he received a flight by the method of “Towing”, being pulled by Pablo, Alberto and Sammy. Soon we expect to have it in the air too …💪
As for the pilots, early in the morning Pablo would go out to fly and demonstrate his skills. Later, Sammy Badillo and Deron Freeman flew for hours up the coast. Deron, who arrived as recently as Wednesday, was already flying on Thursday in Isabela and today he made several flights of more than an hour in duration. He is coming to fly, and is making it in big way!!!
We would leave the park in the afternoon and Luis and his family would meet with Pablo and Edgardo and their respective families for dinner. As always, we thank God for everything and we are already recovering our strength for tomorrow in Isabela. Stay Tuned …🙏