Weekly Days, July 5/6, 2021

Well friends, we continue to be very active despite the fact that the weather conditions have not been favorable to fly all day as we would like. In fact, this weekend’s activities had to be postponed due to the proximity of Storm Elsa to the south of the island.

That said, I must say that some members of the Team Kamikazes family had an exceptional day, yesterday afternoon, July 4. This in the house of our friend and brother Alberto Sabah and his wife Mercedes in Isabela. This started at noon and ended late at night. We had a great time with family and surrounded by good friends. Thanks to Alberto and Mercedes again for welcoming us into their home. Much appreciated…💪🥰.

Monday, July 5, 2021

That said, we resumed activities early in the morning at Villa Pesquera. There Luis Ruiz and his son Ian Darrell, attend some pending Demo flights of the weekend. Gilberto Rodríguez, a native of Luquillo, was present, and after his Demo fly, now is considering taking the Training to be part of Team Kamikazes. Congratulations! 💪

Also present were, José Quevedo, his wife Ilka and family, who traveled from Jayuya. They lived the Experience of Fly in the Paramotor, and were very happy with their experiences 💪.

Ilka’s Experience!!!!

And officially starting her Training we had Melissa Earl. Melissa was in the past months working in Africa, and there, she learned a little about both the sport of Paragliding and Paramotor. Eventually, she communicated with Instructor Luis Ruiz to continue her training on the island. Now she is based in Puerto Rico attending professional commitments, and the time for Training started…

Melissa reaction after first Day of Training.

She was very active during the day practicing with the paragliders in considerably strong winds. Was a good day of practice for her, even took the controls in a Tandem fly. We will continue to report her progress as the trainings continue 🙂.

After 11 AM the winds gets over 20 mph+ and we decided to finish the day’s activities, with the idea of ​​returning early tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Again we returned very early to Villa Pesquera, Isabela. This time, along with Instructor Luis Ruiz and his son Ian Darrell, the pilots, Sammy Badillo, Alberto Sabah and Edgardo Rivera with his wife Wilnelia, also arrived.

Luis Ruiz assisted by his son Ian Darrell were very early doing some Demo flights pending from the weekend. Jayleen arrived with her friend Priscilla and daughter Gabriela who were visiting from Indiana, USA. Also, Annie Vera and her daughters (Anni Lou, Paola, Luany) were also arriving from Toa Alta. Each and every one of them enjoyed and were very happy with their experience of fly 🙂.

Gilberto Rodriguez enjoying his flight.

After this, Luis Ruiz, was inaugurating and flying the new Paraglider, Flow Cosmos Power, which will be used in the classes and first flights of new pilots of the school in substitution of the always reliable, (but already old) Apco Thrust. To his surprise, the performance level of it brought it practically to the same level of performance as his sporty BGD Luna 2 paraglider 😲. We are very astonished with the performance of the “Cosmos Power”. So it will not only be suited for students, but for higher level pilots.

Luis was accompanied on the flights by Alberto, Sammy and Edgardo. We flew together all the area and had a great time. Edgardo had some problems on his first takeoff. But after some instructions and corrections, at his second chance, he took off safely to accompany the rest of the pilots in the air. It is impressive what Edgardo has achieved in just 3 weeks in the sport. Our respects 💪.

At about 11 AM, the winds were again picking up at about 20 mph+. So, again, it was time to go. But we were very happy since we took advantage of the morning.

We always Thank God for this opportunities he give us in this life 🙏.


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