Tuesday and Thursday, August 29/31, 2023 – Activities that end the month of August 2023.

We completed the month of August 2023 with these two flight adventures, on Tuesday the 29th and Thursday the 31st. Both days we had ideal flight conditions in Villa Pesquera Isabela, but it was very hot…

Tuesday 29…

We went to Isabela in the afternoon, Luis Ruiz, Alberto Sabah, Noel Vale and Charles Riggs were present. Along with this, Alejandro Rivera and his friend Patrick arrived from the towns of Las Piedras and Rio Grande to live their flying experiences.

Starting the morning!!!

The pilots Charles, Luis and Alberto managed to make their flights, while Noel continues kiting his paraglider on ground.

With the relatively light wind at the moment, Luis Ruiz had to use the Apco Play 42 meter paraglider to be able to fly with Alejandro, although later with Patrick he managed to take off using the 32 meter Flow Panorama.

Short clip of Patrick experience.

After those flights, Luis and Alberto ended up flying in the direction of Guajataca, looking for the space at the front of “Cueva Las Golondrinas”, but the space was way too narrow for a landing. With that we finished the activities for the day.

Thursday 31…

Again in Villa Pesquera Isabela and the excellent flight conditions continue. This time arriving were the pilots Luis Ruiz, Mario Muñiz, Edgardo Rivera and Sammy Badillo. In addition, the friend Betsy Cardin travel all the way from Yabucoa with her friends Bryan and her son Austin to live their flying experiences. These came from Florida and California respectively.

Mario and Edgardo ready for the adventure!!!

Edgardo, this time arrived with his ultra fast new Flow RPM2 paraglider to test it, Luis Ruiz tried it as well as Edgardo. As expected, way too fast paraglider, designed to beat the competition, BUT, this is not for everyone, not for novice and intermediate level pilots.

The face of Edgardo says it all, OMG I bought a way too fast paraglider, jaja…

In the meantime, the flights from Bryan and Austin were successfully made. And both were very happy with their experiences.

Austin, speaking about his experiences!!!

At about 3 PM with the arrival of Sammy, we need to end the activities because the weather had started to deteriorate.


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