Once again we returned to Villa Pesquera Isabela to continue the intensive training of student Tom Myers. He just did his first “Solo” Fly two days ago, and today we returned to polish his skills. The winds in the morning hours were constant at 8 to 12 mph NE.
Team Kamikazes pilots and family presents…
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Sammy Badillo
Alberto Sabah
Charles Riggs
Omar Colon and friends
Fio Lopez
Iván Torres and his friend Víctor
Tom Myers
Luis Ruiz
In addition, there was a large audience that came to see our flight activities.
The morning and Tom Myers…
On this occasion, student Tom Myers managed to make two flights supervised by Luis Ruiz. On his second flight of the day, Luis gave the Green Light for Tom to carry out the entire procedure of accommodating the paraglider, preparing the Paramotor and going out to fly and he was even allowed to make his landing as well. All this done with excellence. Congratulations!!!
Lot of flights from Kamikaze Pilots…
The student/pilot Fio López was present and dedicated himself to practicing his skills in controlling the paraglider on the ground. His skills continue to improve. Iván and Víctor were also doing paragliding control practices.
Charles, Edgardo, Omar, Pablo, Sammy, Alberto and Luis dedicated themselves to flying around the surroundings as they pleased. Luis Ruiz even gave a Demo Flight to a young girl (Asty) , but it didn’t last long because the weather was not cooperating.
After the session of flights, always there’s time for relaxing as seen in the videos. Also, We will return tomorrow with a BBQ for everyone present.