Intense Weekend, Friday/Saturday, May 17/18, 2024, Good Weather and (again) we visited Jobos…

The arrival of the weekend promised many adventures. The weather promised to be excellent and we had a house full of pilots and friends from Team Kamikazes ready for the adventure. That included Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia who, for this weekend, arrived prepared with their Home Trailer…

Kamikaze Pilots and Family Present…

Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Alberto Sabah and his wife Mercedes
Wilkins Torres, his wife Brenda and son Wilkins Jr.
Hermes Ferrer, his wife Neisha and daughter Katelyn
Sammy Badillo and his wife Yari
Luis Ruiz and his son Noah Enrique
Chino Morales and his daughter
Paul Whitmore
Jomar Crespo

Friday, May 17, 2024…

We were in Villa Pesquera Isabela in the afternoon. But this time the conditions were not good for flying due to the proximity of storm clouds. Anyway Sammy Badillo and Mario Muniz were flying all the way to Jobos Beach, before it gets real bad. Present were Luis Ruiz, Sammy Badillo, Jomar Crespo, Mario Muniz and Wilkins “Chino” Morales.

Mario touch a Kite in Jobos…

But once the clouds moved away, the winds calmed down, then Jomar Crespo and Chino Morales took on the task of practicing paragliding inflation by Front Launch Technique.

Jomar Crespo and Chino Morales getting ready for the Front Launch Practice…
Practice makes Perfection!!!
Sammy Badillo tried it too. Video by Mario Muniz…

The adventures would continue into the night with the arrival of Edgardo and Wilnelia in their Home Trailer…

Edgardo and Wilnelia, had company, and the Margaritas made by Edgardo!!!
Not everything runs smooth as planned…, at the end, everything is all right.

Saturday, May 18, 2024…

Very active day of flights, plus we had a full house of pilots and friends. Luis Ruiz had the task of carrying out several Demo flights as an introduction to the sport. This time new friends arrived, Kevin from Alaska, Asia from Las Vegas and Tim from California. Later, also Vanesha from New York. All having a great time and experience of flying. And that is all about !!!

Tim, Kevin and Asia, enjoying their fly Experience!!!
Vanesha from New York!!!

We made (Other) visit to Jobos Beach flying…

A couple of days ago, Edgardo and Luis Ruiz flew to Jobos beach. Today the adventure was repeated, but this time they were accompanied by the pilots Alberto Sabah, Sammy Badillo, Mario Muniz and Jomar Crespo. Here we leave some videos of the adventures.

The pilots started their approximation to land in Jobos Beach.
The pilots arriving and landing at Jobos Beach. Video by Jomar Crespo…
And the arrival of Luis Ruiz, Video by Jomar Crespo…
The view from Luis Ruiz in his last minute of landing…
Refreshing Time!!!
Refreshing Time II, and Alberto gets more personal…
Refreshing Time III…
The Take Off from Jobos gets complicate, we almost called Chino Morales for a pickup of pilots…
Jomar Crespo Taking Off in his Flow RPM2 18-meters…
The return… Everybody in the air, the last one to Take Off, Luis Ruiz…

More & More Videos Describing the Adventures of the Day!!!

The morning flights starting like that…
Chino Morales flying, with the assistance of Wilkins Torres and Pablo Cruz
The Take Off of Wilkins Torres.
Noah Enrique receiving a Towing Fly made by his Dad. Video by Pablo Cruz.
One of the few times that Edgardo runs out of batteries!!! (Just last 15 minutes and then fly again)…

And when we think this long day was over… NO…, Alberto Sabah Invited the last pilots on the field to his house to dinner, to celebrate a great day at Home... and then gets ready for Sunday!!!

Dinner at Alberto’s House I…
Dinner at Alberto’s House II…


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