Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day 01 of London Ivey and Ernest Ely in their flights adventure in Paramotor, Puerto Rico …

After several weeks of coordination, London Ivey and Ernest Ely, paramotor pilots from Florida, arrived to join the Team Kamikazes in Puerto Rico. They will be vacationing and flying all the week in different places on the island with Team Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico. Other international pilots are expected to arrive in next days to join us in the adventure. Today, after they arrived from Florida, instead of going to their reserved hotel, they went all the way straight to fly. Here the story…

The meeting place was Villa Pesquera in Anasco by 10 AM. They did not even arrive at the booked hotel in Rincon, they arrived straight to fly. Along with London, Ernest and Luis Ruiz, also arrived the pilot Evan Purdy. He will depart to USA in some hours, but stop to say Hello to his friends.


The winds came as expected, from the West, but clouds were approaching us quickly. So there was a hurry to fly before the rain came. Luis had available to the pilots, his two reliable SkyMax Moster paramotors and a Fly Products Atom 80. Just in case there were two more paramotors in the truck …

The first to go flying was Ernie. He did a very well launch. Then, the turn was for London. But we need to mention that it gets kind of complicate in the beginning. London fly in Florida with left hand accelerator on his equipment and here the paramotors have installed the accelerator on the right side. Apart from this, we discovered that London had not been flying for a few years by the “Foot Launch” method 😲 and that he only flew in “Trike” due to back problems. This would be his first flight attempt in “Foot Launch” with opposite throttle and a very short track, before reaching the ocean🙄.


Finally, London handled the situation well and managed to take off with a lot of determination. They were joined in flight by Evan, while Luis stayed down pending any help he could provide.


After an hour of flight, the clouds arrived with some rain and forced the landing. We took the opportunity to go  lunch at the beach in Aguada. Under heavy rain, we have a great time saying goodbye to Evan who left for USA later in the day.

Here some pictures of this first day.

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