Saturday, August 31, 2019

Team Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico was back at Playa “Las Criollas” in Barceloneta. Place of many stories from our pilots and today was no exception. We start by passing the list of pilots and friends of Team Kamikazes presents.

Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica and children Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique
William Nadal and his wife Maribel
Ricardo González and his wife Ermelinda
Alex Diaz and his wife Belén
Tim Slauson
Gregory Santiago
Juan Carlos Correa
Robert Rodriguez
Gabriel Martinez
The brothers Joseph and Danny Cintron
Omar Román
Eduardo Pabon
Ted Sowinski
Rubén Franco

From early we were arriving at the place, and while the students of the Team, William, Rubén, Gabriel and Danny practiced inflation. The rest of pilots were going to fly around. The first one to fly was Tim Slauson, natural from New York, and who comes to Puerto Rico 3 or 4 times a year. He was rusty, since the last time he flew with us. But after some practices, and the help of Pablo. He was in the air again 😉.

After that, Pablo, Eduardo, Gregory, Luis, Robert, Juan Carlos, Ted, Ian and Omar were flying. At one point the nine pilots were in the air at the same time 💪. Each and every one of them took the opportunity to pay a visit to the statue of Colon in Arecibo that is located about 5 miles away. In the case of Omar, Ian, Grego, JC, Eduardo and Luis. They fly all the way to “Mar Chiquita” in Manati. (Grego and JC even reached Vega Baja).

👉👉Gregory y JC en Vega Baja😲😲

In the case of Alex and Ricardo, they were practicing their launching with the paramotor. There are still skills to master. For his part, Luis was making a passenger flight to BKR Zou, this native of Morocco, was visiting the island and when he saw us, he coordinated his flight with Luis. Imagine their enjoyment before an unplanned experience 🤗.

On the other hand, it was very nice to receive the visit of brothers Joseph and Danny Cintron. Had been time since their last participation in the activities of the Team. Even Danny looks ready for his first paramotor flights. We will keep you informed.

After 2 PM, the weather got bad, due to the passage of large clouds and with these, also changes in the wind direction. At about 4 PM we decided to pick up, since tomorrow we return to action. This time in Isabela.

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