Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Three days after the passage of Storm Laura through Puerto Rico (which today is a major Hurricane on the way to Texas / Louisiana 😔), we had a good flight window for Puerto Rico.

We decided to meet in Villa Pesquera Isabela, there arrived Luis Ruiz with his wife Jessica and son Noah Enrique, Alberto Sabah, Ariel Rodríguez, Danis Rodríguez, Eric Hartman, Evan Grigg with his mother Andrea and sisters and Omar Colon with his wife Heidy and daughters Patricia and Valeria. Also, friend Axel and his wife Shalimar arrived from Aguas Buenas, as part of the surprise birthday gift to his wife.

We started arriving at 8 AM, the first to arrive was Eric, who all at once went to practice Paragliding inflation. In the meantime, Luis set up the equipment and minutes later took Eric for a instruction fly as part of his training. After that Luis made the flight of Shalimar, who enjoyed very much his birthday present. She and her husband Axel were very happy that the flight took place since it was planned at the last minute, and everything went great.

Part of the fly of Chalymar in her birthday. Courtesy of his husband Axel.

After this, Luis concentrated on getting the students Omar and Evan airborne. Those were practicing with the paragliders in the area while Luis finished his Tandem flights. These were being assisted in the field by Alberto, Ariel and Danis.

The first to fly was Omar. This was his second Paramotor flight on his record. This time the fly last for about 40 minutes. He used a SkyMax Moster Paramotor with an Apco Thrust paraglider. Danis accompanied him in the air as part of his flight. His takeoff and landing were very good. Now it his turn to continue improving the skills.

In the meantime, Noah Enrique. The son of Luis and Jessica was in the shelter, practicing very hard with his mini paragliding. Obviously, more stories coming soon as the kid is improving at big steps with his just 5 years old…😳😃.

Little Noah Enrique almost ready to fly😲😲😲

After Omar’s landing, it was Evan’s turn. The wind was hovering between 15-17 mph so we were hesitant to get him  flying. It was time to use a smaller glider than the one that flew for the first time. When we consulted Evan, his attitude was very positive and we decided to give it a try in the eyes of his mother and the direct assistance of Omar, Ariel, Alberto and Luis. The paramotor to be used is the ultra light SkyMax EOS100 weighing only 36 pounds, and the Paraglider, the fast and agile Apco NRG PRO 18.5 owned by Luis. It turned out that Evan found himself like a fish in water, his control of the glider, subsequent takeoff and landing were excellent 💪.

Then we collected the equipment with the satisfaction of having used the day for all those who said present, and everyone finished with positives experiences and learning process. Also, seeing Alberto recovered and ready to take action was a “plus”. Stay Tuned…

Short Video of the adventures of the day…

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