Family day and it was very commendable to put it in the stories of the Team Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico. Even extremely satisfactory…🙂 It turns out that without much planning Luis Ruiz was on his way to Villa Pesquera Isabela to fly with the new Team pilot, Sammy Badillo, in addition to have some Demo flights pending for possible students of the school.
On his way, Luis’s neighbor, William Almeyda called him and arranged to take his son Denzen to practice. The fact is that Denzen always plays with Noah, Luis’s son, in front yard of the residence with the paragliders, and he is very interested in learning to fly. At once, Luis without much planning, notified his wife Jessica, and in a while, she was on her way with Noah, for the meeting and practice of the 2 youngsters.
Upon arrival, as expected, the weather conditions were excellent. So Luis complied with the flights he had pending with Keyla Padilla and José Rodríguez. Both were very happy with their experience of flying.
Then Luis concentrated on Denzen and Noah’s practices. Seeing the joy of both discovering the flight, was simply “PRICELESS” 🙏. They were both using the training gliders, BGD Seed, which allowed them to practice without much effort. So they spent the whole morning playing and improving their techniques.
👉Noah Enrique saying the Paraglider didn’t function…👈
Meanwhile, Sammy was flying twice. In both flights he was flying for more than an hour in each one, perfecting and getting to know the sport more thoroughly. This included a visit to the Hotel located at the top of the Royal Isabela Mountain.
Sammy was accompanied by his wife Yari and his son Ian, the latter achieving a demonstration flight with Luis. José “TNT” Villanueva also stopped to say hello, within the public present who came to investigate a little more about the sport. Here are some photos that best describe our experience there…
Little Noah Enrique with Dad… Noah. Denzen testing a Paramotor in Front Yard. Jose Rodriguez ready for his fly. Keyla Padilla ready for his fly. Keyla, all emotions!!! Sammy, training hard. Sammy taking off. William and his son Denzen. Denzen Almeyda. Denzen doing good practice!!!