Tuesday, November 24, 2020

We left early to Villa Pesquera de Isabela taking advantage of the visit of the International pilot David Garber and his wife Amara. The weather projections were very good. At least in the morning hours with winds coming from the North at an intensity that hovered between 5 and 8 mph.

Present, in addition to David and Amara, were Luis Ruiz, Danis RodrΓ­guez, Esteban Torres, the student Eric Betancourt with his father. Eric arrived with his Paramotor, and ready to try his first “solo” flight after several days of training with Luis. The flight was to be attempted, as long as Eric demonstrated on the field that he was ready πŸ™„.

In addition to this, during the past week, specifically in the Ceiba area. We had coordinated the realization of some demonstration flights to the possible student Santos Santos and his wife Camille. They were on their honeymoon on the weekend, after they got married. And they were saying present, as agreed πŸ’ͺ…

David started the morning by flying with Amara and they head to a trip that took them to Guajataca in Quebradillas. Later, Luis, Esteban and Danis joined them in the flights. Esteban is now back to flight activities after his long stay in New York and he already looks much more comfortable on his flights. Danis as always demonstrating mastery in his flights.

Esteban Torres Launching.

At around 10:30 AM, we decided to give Eric Betancourt the green light to try his flight. Luis was directly aware of the entire process. Eric inflated the glider and turned with authority, so Luis gave him the Green Light and Eric went out to his first “solo” fly. Congratulations πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ!!! The flight was a bit bumpy as there were some unforeseen problems with the engine. But everything finally went well with Eric on his landing. Both he and his father are very happy for the experience. Eric indicated after land that “he felt like Superman”. We expect that this were the first of many, many more to come… πŸ˜ƒ

Eric Betancourt First Launch Ever…
Eric first Reaction after his Fly!!!

After this, Santos and his wife Camille finally arrived. David took Santos for the fly while Camille went with Luis. Both were flying together in a special occasion.

Camille and Santos Experience!!!

Later in the afternoon a big cloud approached us and affect the climate and with that we ended the activity. As always thanking God for all this moments πŸ™.

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