A very active weekday for the Team Kamikazes school. Today was a very good day to fly and practice. The weather remained good until late in the afternoon. This has been rare recently.
Team Kamikazes present at the activity …
Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica and children Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique
Alberto Sabah
Edgardo Rivera
Samuel and Adam Travis
Mario Muniz
Melissa Earl
Danis Rodriguez
Among the stories that we were able to create during the day, is that of the students Mario Muñiz and Melissa Earl. Both took advantage of the excellent conditions to continue honing their skills en route to their first solo flights. As part of her training, Melissa flew again today, accompanied by Ian, and this time she had the flight controls for much of the flight. Now she feel more confident for the challenges that lie ahead. Stay Tuned…
Mario, for his part, came out very happy, since on his last day of training, physically he had not done well, possibly due to lack of hydration. And this time he arrived better prepared and kept practicing without major problems all morning. Both Mario and Melissa also today had the opportunity to put the paramotors (of different weights so that they can see the differences) on their backs to get closer to the goal of making them fly.
Also today, we had coordinated the realization of a TV promotion with the people of ABC Puerto Rico in their “Prime Time” section. It took place in the morning hours and included a demonstration flight to the Presenter Víctor Santiago, who was very delighted with his experience. In fact, about 4 years ago, Víctor had made another program with us, for the program called “Estos dos sin Freno” that was broadcast on Univision Puerto Rico.
We can comment that each of the pilots present was flying in winds of 15 to 20 mph, and most important, comfortably. Samuel and Adam went cross country, and they did a good TV show too. Alberto is already showing mastery and Edgardo continues to polish his skills. In the meantime, Danis has been practicing his Demo Flight skills and he did it with excellence.
Luis also had the opportunity to fly little Noah Enrique, who had not flown with Dad for months. His happy face, Priceless ❤️!!! Also, took place, the flight of Zorianys, a native of Ponce. She arrived with her husband Christian and their two children. At first she had doubts about whether to fly or not, but she decided to overcome her challenges and in the end she was very happy with her experience 💪.
Here is a short video and some photos, I hope they are to your liking. Blessings!!!
Filming for ABC Puerto Rico. Victor Santiago. Little Noah with Dad. Christian, Zorianys and their sons. Danis Rodriguez.