A very active weekend, we were both in Parque del Norte de Hatillo on Saturday and on Sunday we returned to our already traditional flight area of Villa Pesquera de Isabela. There is much to tell, here we go in part …
We returned to the Parque del Norte Hatillo. This time the pilot Edgardo Rivera (accompanied by his wife Wilnelia) practically opened the Park, and even arrived with so much energy that he began to exercise with the Paramotor on the track 🤣🤣🤣!!!!.
The student José Luis Hernández was also saying present early, and later everyone were arriving… Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica and sons Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique, Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie, his sister and relatives, Hermes Ferrer, his wife Neysha and daughter Katelyn, in addition to his parents Hermes Sr and his wife Awilda, Sammy Badillo, Omar Colon and their daughters Mia and Farah.
That morning, Hermes, had decided to get to Hatillo in a different way. He would fly off in his Paramotor from Isabela.
Everything happened normally with his preparation and takeoff, however, once he was passing the Guajataca Tunnel area in Quebradillas, a mechanical problem occurred in his Paramotor. Quickly, evaluating his alternatives, he decided to turn around and land on wide fields of grass in the Barrio “El Pastillo” in Isabela. His wife Neisha came to the rescue and an hour later they arrived to share the Parque del Norte with the rest of the group.
In Hatillo, Pablo and Millie had agreed to prepare some delicious “alcapurrias” among the pilots and friends present. They arrived with the ingredients and the pots to prepare it. At the end of the afternoon, there was not a single alcapurria left over. (Very bad for the diet, 🤣)
Luis, took advantage of the morning, assisted by his son Ian, to do some Demo flights. Specifically to Vilmarie and Emanuel who were traveling from Caguas and to Suheil, her daughter and Edgardo who were arriving from Naranjito. All flights were completed before the weather started to deteriorate.
Later, Luis coordinated with Edgardo and Sammy to make a “Cross” flight that would reach the border with Arecibo. All three (3) pilots flew effortlessly in 15 mph wind intensity. At one point, Sammy and Luis landed at Sardinera Beach in Hatillo where they stayed for a few minutes before taking off again for the Parque del Norte.
It should be noted that Edgardo in the afternoon, with the help of Ian Darrell, mounted the Speed Bar to his Paramotor, and was flying and testing it, in winds of quite intensity. Edgardo’s progress has been very remarkable.
We thank Pablito and Millie for the alcapurrias, very tasty. That is what it is all about, enjoying as a family.
Back very early to Villa Pesquera Isabela. This time we ran into stormy winds again. What we wanted to do we would have to do it early, before conditions broke down. And that seemed like it would be very soon in the morning.
Kamikaze Presents …
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Alberto Sabah (who arrived to the island by surprise the night before)
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Ricardo González and his wife Ermelinda
Hermes Ferrer, his wife Neisha and daughter Katelyn
Iván Torres, his wife Pamela and son Caleb
Sammy Badillo
Luis Ruiz
Not bad for a stormy day.
Luis Ruiz managed to make three (3) Demo flights, assisted on ground by Alberto, Sammy, Hermes and Edgardo. The people that comes to Live their Experience were, Jahaira De Jesús travel from Coamo, Miguel Camacho from Ponce and Paola Rodríguez, (accompanied by his mother María), from San Juan.
The three of them had a great time and just when we finished with Paola’s flight, the winds were already very strong and there was no room for more. However, Edgardo managed to fly a bit, and Ricky practiced a bit with the paraglider.
Later, we took the time to check the engine of Hermes, looks like an internal ball bearing is not good. A major work during the week is pending. Later, in windy conditions, we changed our Paramotors for Bicycles, and rode a bit in the area. When the rainy storm gets close, we changed our activity to a local restaurant to enjoy a bit before return to our Homes.
To all who said present, defying the conditions of the time, a thousand thanks. What a good time we had. Blessings 🙏!!!
Jose Luis. Emanuel and Vilmarie Francisco and Suheil from Naranjito. Suheil, all smiles. Hermes at Isabela. Alcapurrias. Omar Colon Stormy Weather in Sunday. Wilnelia Miguel Camacho Jahaira De Jesus. Miguel and Jahaira, all smiles. Paola Rodriguez. Sammy Badillo Caleb and Noah in front. Kamikazes and Noah getting bigger. Kamikazes Girls.