Sunday, January 16, 2022 – Blessed !!!

Today was one of those days 🙏… Good weather, many pilots coming together from all over the island, new students and new friends ready to Live their Paramotor Experiences.

Again, and as usual, the meeting point on Sunday was Villa Pesquera Isabela. There we met many Kamikaze pilots and their families, which is worth mentioning here…

Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Ricardo Gonzalez and his wife Ermelinda
David Garber and his wife Amara
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Hermes Ferrer, his wife Neisha and daughter Katelyn
Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica and sons Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique
Ray Malave and his girlfriend Marilyn
Jose “Cheo” Roman
Sammy Badillo
Jomar Crespo (student)
Keith Gould (student)
Ken Arciola and his wife (International Pilot)

It is also very worth mentioning all the people who arrived to Live their Flight Experiences with us. Or at least most of them. Thank God, all living very positive and unforgettable experiences. David, Luis and Ian were in charge of conducting the flights.

José Rodríguez, his wife Enid and their friend Anglada
Javier from Madrid, Spain and his friends Christy and Katie from USA
Beverly, Lillianette, Yelitza, Yarimar and Abel from Isabela
Hugo and Laura from Gurabo

In the case of José, Enid and Anglada, they had returned, after last week we had to postpone their flights due to weather conditions. And not only did they enjoy their flights to the fullest, but they also prepared this beautiful video called “The Best Experiences in the World”. Hope you like it…

Regarding the general activities of the Team, it is worth mentioning first of all the dedication of the Kamikaze girls in the activity. There was rice with beans, courtesy of Mario and Ivonne, roast suckling pig, courtesy of Pablo and Millie, Jessica brought breads and appetizers and Neisha brought desserts. Not to mention there were drinks and snacks for everyone. All this without being planned !!! To all those who are putting their grain of sand to make all this possible, thank you very, very much 💪🙏.

Here we share some of the individual stories that deserve to be mentioned…

Pablo Cruz – He was in charge of making some very good videos of the activity. In addition, at one point he was helping little Noah Enrique in his paragliding practices. And he brought roast suckling pig from Hatillo!!!

Full House!!!

Ricardo González – Continues his progress in the sport. His days of failed takeoff attempts are a thing of the past. Now not only does it take off without major problems, but its landings have also improved markedly 💪.

Ricardo Launching…, Video by Pablo Cruz.

Ray Malave – He continues his improvement with the control of the paraglider on the ground in the way of future flights.

Edgardo Rivera, “Cheo” Román and Sammy Badillo – Always showing off their flying skills, takeoffs and landings. It is very nice to see them fill the sky with paragliders.

Mario Muñiz – He continues to be focused on mastering paragliding on land as well as possible. His progress in the past few days has been remarkable. Soon we will see him back in the air with the rest of the pilots. Today he help Ivonne with the homework of the rice with beans that they brought to the activity 💪.

Hermes Ferrer – As he has always distinguished himself, he was there ready to help anyone who needed help. His wife Neisha brought desserts to the activity.

Jomar Crespo – In just a few days of practice, Jomar shows great skill and dominates paragliding in reverse and front positions. Today Luis Ruiz flew with him on an instruction flight where Jomar was in charge of the controls. They talked about the oscillations of the paraglider and how to control it in the air. We began to think about Jomar’s first “solo” flight. Stay Tuned…💪

Keith Gould – He had a strong day of practice today, for hours and hours. Despite stating that he felt he hadn’t improved much. That is not reality. And this will be seen in the next days of training.

Video by Pablo Cruz.

Ken Arciola – Pilot resident in the USA, and who was sharing in the Team activities and we will surely see him soon in our flight activities. Stay tuned…

Noah Enrique – It is worth mentioning the progress of Luis’s son. At just 6 years old, he already has enough strength to hold and control a small paraglider on Earth. Here we present a video prepared by Pablo about his performances. 🙄😉!!!

👉Ian helping his brother with a BGD Seed of 14 meters.👈

Noah Enrique. Video by Pablo Cruz.


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