Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Second day of Evan Purdy in Puerto Rico. We had coordinated to go to the Valley of Lajas very early to fly the Valley from the grounds of our friends and Kamikazes pilots, José Sánchez Sr., and their sons Damian and Joselito. It was necessary to arrive early at Lajas, and we were there from 6:30 AM, Luis Ruiz, Evan Purdy, Jose, Damian and Joselito. Five pilots ready to fly.

The weather conditions, as expected. Zero wind, looked calm, you had to run to win the fly, but that’s part of the adventure. This time José and his two children would fly, it was the first time they are at the same time. That means that today would be the first fly of Jose’s Trike, a Fly Products Xenit that was asking for air.

Not much instructions were necessary. the novice Joselito, is doing very well. So we were all ready to fly. First Evan launched, followed by José Sr. with the Trike Xenit, then Joselito, Luis and Damian to finish. Five pilots flying at the same time at 7 AM throughout the Lajas Valley and in excellent flight conditions.

Evan went to fly to the mountains of “La Parguera”, José Sr. and Joselito went to the town of Guanica. Luis went to the PR2 in the direction of Guanica and Damian went to the PR116 in Lajas. All with spectacular flights.

After more than an hour of flight, the pilots began to gather near the landing area. The only one who could not be seen was José Sr. with his new Trike. It turns out that he was flying near Guanica, had some faults in his engine and he had to land. Some friends went there to look for him and after a while he met with the rest of the pilots in the flight area.

All right, it turns out that the spark plug was somewhat loose, next to some bolts on the top of the carburetor which caused the equipment to quit. But José and the equipment were fine. Nothing to regret, even José talked about how different and comfortable it was to fly such a machine.

Evan was very impressed by the beauty of the place and really have a great fly.

👉🏽👉🏽 Evan Purdy flying high, Great View!!!! 👈🏽👈🏽

We said goodbye, and at the same time we appointed to repeat the adventure tomorrow.

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