Weekend of February 15 to Monday 17, 2020

In the past two weeks we have had a visit on the island of paramotor pilot Luis Gaviria. He practices the Powered Paraglider sports in Florida, USA, and is on the island for professional commitments.

In his spare time we are coordinating some flights with time, but the weather didn’t cooperate at all. Have been windy at all times. On Saturday 15, we met in Boqueron, Cabo Rojo very early in the morning. Presents were Luis Ruiz, Luis Gaviria and Ted Sowinski. At cero winds conditions, Luis Ruiz and Ted managed to take off, but for some technical problems Luis Gaviria was unable to fly.

So, our next opportunity appear on Monday 17 in the afternoon. This time we met in the area of ​​Villa Pesquera  Anasco where winds entered from West at a rate of 10 mph. Perfect to fly all this coast.

This was the time …, Luis Gaviria take off with Luis Ruiz to fly around. The fly included reaching the town of Mayaguez. Finally we got the place so that Luis Gaviria could take a flight during his short stay on the island. The takeoff was at about 4:30 PM and it lasted until 6 PM.

Here are some photos of the activities.

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