With the arrival of Efrain Castaño, a member of Team Kamikazes and residing in NY, USA. We went to make a morning flight to Lajas Valley. This is partly due to the fact that the conditions in the entire northern zone are too windy to enjoy flights with good safety.
We arrived at 6 AM before sunrise to prepare the equipment. Efrain, Luis Ruiz, Edgardo Rivera, Cheo Román, and the Ultra Light pilots Arnaldo and William.
As expected, the weather was excellent for flying… as long as you could take off in zero wind conditions🙄…
Efrain, this time using a Trike for his takeoff, unfortunately could not launch in 3 attempts…, definitely, the time he has not flown, working in NY, is taking its toll.
After Efrain, it was Edgardo‘s turn to go flying. He went well, and controlled the glider as expected on top of him. But in the takeoff run he forgot to release the “A” risers, which meant that once in the air, he returned to the ground… 😑 Subsequent two attempts did not bear fruit.
Now it was Cheo‘s turn. He did everything perfectly and when the glider was well controlled on Top of him, he started the race at full throttle, and… he got a cramp in one of his legs and had to abort the flight 😑…
Then, Luis, who at one point had decided not to fly to help the rest of the pilots on Ground, had to go flying to say that someone (apart from Arnaldo in his Quick Silver) had flown in the Lajas Valley during the day… In fact, he flew twice, since he also later went up with the trike and paraglider that Efrain was using, to dry the paraglider a bit.
In the end we had a great time and laughed a lot at the stories of the day. We hope that Cheo’s injury is not serious and that he will return to the activities soon 🙏.