Wednesday, June 19, 2024 – Unexpected Paramotor Problems and a Rescue…

Good day to fly, at least in the morning, since in the afternoon it became rainy for most of the island. This time, Luis Ruiz traveled early in the morning to Isabela to test his Parajet Paramotor, which had an ignition coil changed after losing power last week. Testing the Paramotor and the Rescue… Luis Read more about Wednesday, June 19, 2024 – Unexpected Paramotor Problems and a Rescue…[…]

Saturday, September 18, 2021 – “Unique” Beach, Dorado

Good weather and very active Saturday for our community of Team Kamikazes pilots. This time, we decided to change course a bit and went to the “El Único” Beach located in the town of Dorado. We hadn’t visited that area for some time, and to our surprise it was all spacious and well cared for. Read more about Saturday, September 18, 2021 – “Unique” Beach, Dorado[…]

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