Week activities from November 16 – 19, 2021 – Lajas and Cabo Rojo.

With the arrival of the international pilot Eliseo Nogueras and his wife Jessica to Puerto Rico, we continued planning activities. The North Coast presented strong winds for the next few days, so the alternative of going to Lajas Valley was gaining strength. Tuesday, November 16 Eliseo’s birthday, and with this we went very early to Read more about Week activities from November 16 – 19, 2021 – Lajas and Cabo Rojo.[…]

Sunday, November 07, 2021 – Another Student of the Team Fly for first Time!!!

Today was one of those special days. A lot of public, many pilots from the great family of Team Kamikazes, and add excellent weather, we have the complete formula for an Epic day !!! A new pilot has born within the Team’s school, and we refer to Ray Malave. He made his first “solo” fly Read more about Sunday, November 07, 2021 – Another Student of the Team Fly for first Time!!![…]

Sunday, October 31, 2021 – First Fly Ever of Student Mario Muñiz…

A new day !!!, pilots and family ready for new stories and adventures. And if we add to this, a great flying place like Villa Pesquera Isabela and an excellent climate, then the Combo is complete so that we have a spectacular day. Always counting on the blessing of God. Families present at the activity Read more about Sunday, October 31, 2021 – First Fly Ever of Student Mario Muñiz…[…]

Saturday, September 18, 2021 – “Unique” Beach, Dorado

Good weather and very active Saturday for our community of Team Kamikazes pilots. This time, we decided to change course a bit and went to the “El Único” Beach located in the town of Dorado. We hadn’t visited that area for some time, and to our surprise it was all spacious and well cared for. Read more about Saturday, September 18, 2021 – “Unique” Beach, Dorado[…]

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Well…., We were given an EPIC day !!!! Without a doubt one of the best activities we have had in 2020. And the most important thing is that all those who participated in it had positive experiences of their respective stories in the practice of this beautiful sport of Paramotor. We began by saying that Read more about Saturday, September 12, 2020[…]

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